Monday, 22 November 2010

Waste not want not....

I hord every piece of scrap fabric, no matter how big or small!
I have finally got around to putting all these scrap pieces to good use, other than the odd pieces on greetings cards, and decided to try my hand at brooch pins.....

Three peachy patchwork designs have been added to my Folksy Shop with many more to follow....hopefully this weekend....

Here's the first three.....

Finished with little button clusters and measuring approximately 6.5cm in diameter, perfect little treat or stocking filler perhaps?

Available now on Folksy.

Keep an eye out for more designs......

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Market Day

Today was the Cluny Christmas Craft Market at the Cluny Bar, Newcastle upon Tyne.
We had attended a market here back in September and it had been a successful day so we quickly signed up for this Christmas one!
The day went quick with lots of people passing through, mainly in between their Sunday lunches to see the local handmade delights on offer.

We had a good day and met lots of lovely people, thanks to all that came :)

Doesn't it seem convenient that the camera turned awkward when I finally agreed to be in a photo!!

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Rather Quiet

Sorry I have not been very present lately again! Life is very busy at to the moment and I'm waiting for the day when we can sit about and do nothing...well maybe more dyeing and sewing :)

I'm trying to dabble a bit inbetween things.
Here are some pictures (finally turned out to represent the true colour a little better) of some more purple musings from acouple of weeks ago...

Three slightly varied shades of a lovely lilac.

Hopefully shall be listing very soon.

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Tis a busy life!

Sorry I've not been a too regular blogger of late...the house is still in need of a lot of decorating and so the weekends are mostly being spent on that at the minute. I have been trying to dabble in a bit of dyeing here and there, and trying to finish sewing some bits and pieces that have been lying about for a while in the evenings - I am slowly running out of products that are photographed to upload to my shops to keep things fresh!

Rosie on the other hand is having a marvelous life - kept warm and well fed, can sleep all day and catch moths by night....wish I had her life sometimes!

Will blog more soon...I promise! x

Friday, 17 September 2010

Purple Daze

The latest in my yarn dyeing has produced an array of bright purple daze!

Dyed using a natural plant based dye from Logwood, the yarns below show a varying gradient of purples.
The yarn is DK Merino 100grams per skein.

I have lots of yummy coloured yarn to list still - the reason it is taking so long is that I am having great difficulty taking good pictures with my camera lately. Very frustrating as I have tried two cameras that I have and they both are showing fuzzy and the wrong represenations of colour!! grrrrr...I am working on it and will hopefully have some good photos soon.

Below is a piece of silk that was also dyed in the Logwood dye pot. wrapped in a bundle and tied with elastic bands it was firstly soaked with heat added and left overnight. The following three nights I have rearranged the elastic bands and left it to soak in the cold dye bath which has created a striking pattern throughout...

Which type of scarves shall I make from this?....

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Garden Life

The past weekend was mostly spent painting and decorating the house, and sprucing up the flower pots in the back garden.

The house is very slowly progressing - there is still no room completely finished and possibly a lot more dust to come but we'll get there. I really can't wait for the day when I can unpack some personal pocessions to make the house a home!!

Some potted pictures to brighten this post...

The eucalyptus tree was intended for the front garden but I can't see us digging the borders that are needed for it this side of spring unfortunately! I bought some pansies to replace all my weather beaten pertunias from the horrible amount of rain we had in August and now the wind has set in and made them look a little poor plants are not having a good time of it!

I also decided that I would get my dyeing pans out at 4pm on Sunday, as you do when you have to go to work 15hours later, and cooked up some purple delights. I shall post the results in a couple of days as I still have a wrapped bundle of silk soaking in a pan and need the wind to die down so I can take a good picture for you all !

Thursday, 9 September 2010


...the silk from the jar experiments has been made into a scarf!
Do you remember this jar with the silk stuffed inside and left to do it's thing through snow, frost and sunshine?
The final destination for the silk was in a aluminium bucket with several exhaust dyes poured on top. Lots of reclaimed iron nails were added. The top of the bucket was wrapped with cling film and then it was left out in the sunshine and rain for a further couple of weeks.
I didn't report on this at the time as it was when I lost my camera back in July so I couldn't take any pictures to share!
So, anyway, here is a final piece (finally) to show you all.
I have made a triangular scarf...

The piece of silk has enough left to make a second triangular scarf and hopefully a long scarf or a circle snood scarf.
I think it was worth the wait :)

Monday, 30 August 2010

All Sewn up

Do you recognise these?.... The fabrics were previously blogged over when they had left their dye baths here.
Now all sewn up and awaiting some photo styling we have long scarves and circle snood scarves...

Tricky ones to photograph, especially the leaf printed one, as some of the details are so light to capture!
I'm hoping to get some photo styling done very soon....the weather has not been very friendly to us this August and therefore is messing with our schedules !!
They shall appear in an online shop near you soon... styled or un-styled...

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Knitted Goodness

From the Lissi knitting fairies....




They will be listed in the Lissi shops soon!
We are also writing up the pattern for the scarflette and that will also be available soon.

Sunday, 15 August 2010

'Who will buy...'

Yesterday was Lissi Naturally Dyed Products very first offical stall holding at Slaley Show in Northumberland.
The day went well and our stall produced a lot of interest....

The weather hadn't blessed us though and lots of fellow stallers were saying it wasn't as good a turn out as in previous years. It was a good experience as I knew from my set up that I would have benefitted from having more scarf stands and a professional banner.
I met various members of various guilds who have invited me to join them at their monthly meetings, and may teach me how to spin my own yarn! Lots of people picked up business cards and commented that they would have a look and keep us in mind for gift ideas.
All in all a good, yet wet and tiring day was had!

Sunday, 8 August 2010

Located in the beautiful county of Northumberland, Slaley's annual country show is on Saturday 14th August 2010. Lissi Naturally Dyed Products will be holding a stall in the craft tent of all the latest products on offer including an exclusive of the long awaited dyed yarn that has been blogged about over the past couple of months.

A great day out for all the family. For more details about the show and how to get there please visit the Slaley Show website.

Would love to see you there!


Wednesday, 4 August 2010

From the pots...

...the dye pots that is!

Here is a selection of what I got up to with my dye pots the past weekend....

From the eucalyptus pot...
Eucalyptus leaves wrapped in silk and boiled to create a subtle print....
Silk wrap tie-dye and clipped with bull dog clips....

From the Sanders wood pot....

Scrumptious peachy Merino yarn....

Vibrant tie dyed silk....

Wish I didn't have to go to work and could stay home all day creating instead!!!


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