Saturday, 21 November 2009

Lissi's Little Helper....

My little kity kat Rosie always wants to be involved in everything i'm doing - as I type she has decided that sitting inbetween my arms as I try to type is the best place right now!!
She has been nick-named Nosey-Rosie, which fits her perrrrrfectly!
Above you can see what happened one day when I got my jam pan out for some dyeing - yes, she climbed in on her own accord! Excellent photo opportunity.


  1. Awwww! love this post! is she pouting? she loves the camera! i posted a pic of oscar sat in the sink.. cats rules! x

  2. Ahh that is sooo cute, she's lovely....

  3. I think she was a bit shocked at being caught on camera! Though she is still very cute if mischievous!

    ....oh to be a cat Sarah, maybe in the next life :) x

  4. Haha Rosie is just so gorgeous! I do miss not having cats around our house, they get up to some funny things don't they?



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